A loan helped to buy silk thread in bulk to continue the hammock production, so she can provide the material to craftsmen for weaving the hammocks, while she pays for the labor costs.

Antonia Isabel's story

Antonia is grateful for the financial support provided by the institution, which is why she has decided to request a new loan to strengthen the inventory of her business and be able to satisfy the demand of her customers.

The borrowed money will be used to buy silk thread in bulk to continue the hammock production, so she can provide the material to craftsmen for weaving the hammocks, while she pays for the labor costs.

The previous loan had positive effects because she was able to buy the products she needed to continue working on her business, and serve her customers the best possible way.

She has been able to employ other people working as craftsmen, and wishes to start another business providing services on a chalet in the school.

Both sales and her income have increased and allow her to support her family.

Her family situation have improved with her earnings by reducing the needs of the family and improving their house.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Liliana S.

This loan is special because:

It gives El Salvador's artists a chance to revive the local art of handcrafting.

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