A loan helped a member to pay for 4 bales of used shoes and the transport costs.

La Fontaine Group's story

Ms. MARIE is the official of the community bank named “LA FONTAINE”. A vendor of used shoes at the area’s central market for twenty-two years, she is 58 years old, married, and the mother of eight children, of whom three are students. She had startup funds from her husband, and then came loans from Hekima.

With this loan, she is going to pay for 4 bales of used shoes and the transport costs in order to bolster her capital. Her ambitions include becoming a major merchant of used shoes. Ms. MARIE says thank you to Hekima and its partners for supporting those with low incomes.

In this group: Isabelle, Furaha, Jeannette, Annuarite, Emilianne, Justine, Rosette, Leotalie, Ruth, Cecile, Mariam, Pascasie, Marie, Francine, Michel, Francoise, Claudine, Munguakonkwa, Gene, Alice, Francine, Yvone, Banji, Faida, Sylvie, Aimerance, Esperance, Antoinette, Yaya, Noela

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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Lenders and lending teams

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