A loan helped to buy onions, potatoes, and bean seeds for planting and reselling to make extra income for her family.

Fabjola's story

Fabjola is a 39-year-old woman who lives in a small village in Korça. She is married and the mother of two beautiful daughters, 18 and 21 years old, who both attend university.

Fabjola's husband works for a monthly salary of less than $200, but thanks to their agricultural activity, they manage to provide something more for their daughters. Fabjola previously received a Kiva loan to cover the university expenses of her daughter; she is back for your support now because she wants to buy onions, potatoes, and bean seeds for planting.

Fabjola is really thankful for Kiva lenders' previous support and hopes again for your understanding.

This loan is special because:

It supports people in a country where financing options are scarce.

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