A loan helped to buy farm inputs, such as fertilizer and seeds, to improve her crop production, using the profits to support her family.

Margaret's story

No one is as loving and caring as a mother, and that is why the world will celebrate International Mother’s Day this month. You can support Margaret today, as her children continue to celebrate her.

Margaret is the true definition of a hard worker and a happy mother. She is a farmer in Thika, an area endowed with natural streams. Margaret grows maize, raises poultry, and engages in dairy farming. These commercial activities place her in a better position to engage in other agricultural businesses, which she does.

Margaret practices organic farming. Juhudi Kilimo has partnered with Kiva to provide financial services to smallholders around Kenya. Through these financial services, farmers from Thika, like Margaret, can now buy productive assets and important agricultural inputs to use on their farms.

Margaret is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs such as fertilizer and seeds.

Your loan will enable her to improve her production through the use of quality farm inputs. This intervention will help her to meet the increasing demand for food in the market, and, in the process, generate more income to repay the loan and improve the quality of life for her family. Her biggest dream is to buy a house for her family. Your loan will surely go a long way in changing Margaret's living conditions, making her more prepared for the future.

Be inspired this upcoming International Mother's Day, and make a difference in a mother’s life!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals and farming equipment.

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Lenders and lending teams

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