A loan helped to purchase the necessary supplies to make traditional "tanur" ovens.

Suyunboi's story

Suyunboi is 36 years old and he is from Dj.Rasulov, Tajikistan. He is married with three children and his mother lives with them.

Suyunboi takes care of his family. He has a very interesting profession. He makes "tanur," which are traditional ovens. Tajik women make different kinds of breads in these wood-fired ovens. Suyunboi needs a loan to buy necessary supplies to make more of these ovens. He is asking for your help, as he is expanding his business.

He is asking for a loan for the first time with Kiva’s partner IMON. He sends his thanks in advance.

This loan is special because:

It allows Tajik artisans to support their families and carry on important handicraft traditions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details