A loan helped to increase working capital.

Valentina's story

Valentina is married entrepreneur from Skvira, where she sells women’s clothing, office supplies and groceries in the local markets. Valentina owns 3 vending locations at 3 different markets in the region. She has been in this business for 10 years. She currently has about 100,000 Grivnyas invested in her business; her average income is 28,000 Grivnyas a month, and her monthly net profit doesn’t exceed 8,000 Grivnyas.

Valentina is seeking a loan of 10,000 Grivnyas to increase her working capital. We believe her natural ability to please her customers, by guessing their needs and offering speedy courteous service, will help Valentina achieve her goals, sustain her success and consequently win at the entrepreneurial game.

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