A loan helped to expand transportation business by repairing the toto rickshaw.

Dipika's story

Dipika 28-years-old is residing in the Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal. She wants to expand her husband's small transportation business of pulling toto rickshaw. Toto rickshaw is a kind of three-wheeled battery operated rickshaw widely used in rural West Bengal. She wants to repair the rickshaw by changing the battery. She has a household size of 3 and a monthly income of INR 9,000.

Hence, she wishes to increase her monthly income. The loan amount of INR 40,000 from BJS, a field partner of Milaap, will help her to support the toto rickshaw repair. She is grateful to the lenders for this financial assistance

This loan is special because:

It helps women in financially underserved districts in India maintain and grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details