A loan helped to buy more utensils for her restaurant.

Margret's story

Margret, aged 36, is a single mother of three children and all of them go to school. She owns a small restaurant in the Jinja outskirts as her main source of income. She is a very hardworking woman because she does not want her children to lack anything. Margret managed to buy a plot of land on which she is constructing low-cost rentals to supplement her income with the profits that she gets from the restaurant.She recently got a tender to supply lunch to the construction site but she needs more utensils to accommodate all the clients.

She has therefore applied for a loan of UGX 1,500,000 from UGAFODE to buy utensils like saucepans, plates, cups, forks and spoons. Margret is hopeful that this deal will bring in a huge profit which she intends to use on finishing the construction of the rentals.

Margret appreciates the funders for the financial support that will enable her to serve her customers even better as well as transforming her financially. Pictured is Margret with her last born daughter.

This loan is special because:

It helps survivors of human trafficking start small businesses.

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