A loan helped a member to buy more fertilizer to input on her farmland to grow rice better than before.

Hea's Group's story

Aged 48 years, Hea is a villager living in Kampong Cham province. She is the mother of three children; one is in school and other two are too young. To support her family, she has been growing rice crops as her main source of her family’s income for a few years.

This is Hea’s second loan with VisionFund, and she paid her past loan on time. Her family situation has improved with a decent home appliance via the previous loan.

In a group of two members, she is the group leader. Hea will spend her loan portion to buy more fertilizer to input on her farmland to grow rice better than before. With this loan, she dreams of getting a higher crop yield and more income from her farming. She hopes she can improve her living conditions in the future and support her children's studies.

In this group: Hea, Seang

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details