A loan helped to pay the levy for renting a shop & pandanus leaves and varieties of wool.

Kasanita's story

Kasanita is a talented weaver and proud of her work. At 41, she has 4 children. Her husband’s wage is barely enough to meet all their needs.

She serves many tourist visitors to her island with her handicrafts.

One of the challenges faced by Kasanita is having no shop to operate her business. Having a business place would allow her to move freely about running her own affairs.

She will use her loan to rent a shop in the city to serve customers publicly. And also purchase the best quality dried leaves and materials to weave her decorative and functional mats.

With a better retail outlet, she hopes to boost sales so that she can pay for her children’s schooling.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details