A loan helped to buy more agricultural land to expand his corn crop and increase his production.

Sabino Ponciano's story

Sabino is a hardworking man who is 60 years old. He lives together with his wife in the town of Cabanaconde, which is located in Arequipa.
He works in agriculture and he currently grows corn on his agricultural land, which he has been preparing with fertilizer.
He is requesting a micro loan to be able to buy more agricultural land to expand his corn crop and increase his production.
Sabino hopes that he, together with his wife, will be able to have financial stability. His wife appears in the left of the photo. She has always supported him in the decisions that he has made. They both also go to great effort to improve their home and to live comfortably.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

Expands access to financial services for rural clients.

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