A loan helped to purchase a new variety of seeds and fertilizers for more prosperous harvest in order to have enough income to ensure better living for her little son whom she is raising alone.

Qristine's story

Get to know Qristine, an aspiring woman from Aragats village of Armenia. She is divorced and lives with her mother and her two-year-old son, whose cute face you can see in this picture.

Being the main breadwinner of the family, she owns a small farm which is the main source of the family's income. Besides being involved in agriculture for almost ten years, Qristine is also employed as a nurse in the local hospital near her village.

On the farm, Qristine has potatoes, some greens and raspberries. Furthermore, she also keeps a cow and an ox there.

All gathered agricultural produce they sell in local markets. To further develop her farm and agrobusiness, she has applied for this loan. With the financial assistance provided Qristine is going to purchase a new variety of seeds and fertilizers for more prosperous harvest.

She believes that after these enhancements, she will be able to earn enough money to ensure a better living for her little son whom she is raising alone. Qristine is full of hopes and with her hard work and determination strives for brighter future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women farmers with loans in local currency, reducing the risk they take on.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details