A loan helped to provide over 150 farmers a fair living wage and export sustainably grown cacao and allspice.

Agrofloresta Mesoamericana's story

The Problem

The Mayan Forests of Southern Mexico are one of the largest and most biodiverse places in Latin America. They are the second largest tropical forest in Latin America after the Amazon, but they face dangerous trends of deforestation. At the same time, sustainable production of tropical products like cacao is harder than ever for the region's farmers, who are trapped between a global agro-chemical inputs chain and a consolidated global value chain. Cacoa farmers are the ones bearing the costs, earning an increasingly smaller share of revenue.

The Solution

Founded by Hugo and Anna in the tropics of Mexico, Agrofloresta creates better value chains for sustainably grown tropical products like cacao, preventing deforestation and allowing rural farmers to earn a better price for their work. Through technical assistance provided to the farmers, Agrofloresta creates awareness about sustainable practices and helps farmers revive degraded lands, improving lands' production capacity and converting them into sustainable agricultural systems. Agrofloresta currently exports cacao to Europe and the US, and provides better living wages to over 150 farmers.

Loan Use

This loan will be used to increase the amount of cacao produced by Agrofloresta and to launch a new product for the export markets - allspice. This will result in more farmers getting higher incomes and more hectares of land managed sustainably. Indirect impacts include increased disposable income for families, increased employment at the community level, carbon capture, healthier soil and water, increased biodiversity and the intangible impact on farmers’ dignity and sense of belonging.

This loan is special because:

It supports early stage social businesses that can't get a bank loan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details