A loan helped to invest in raw materials to secure consistent weaving work and to increase his income potential.

Tadi's story

Tadi has experienced a tremendous amount of change in his lifetime – he was born into a world where his tribe, the Mlabri, still lived as hunter-gatherers in the forest. After slash and burn destroyed the forests, he spent time trapped in a cycle of debt slavery working in the rice fields. For him, hammock weaving was an opportunity to take control of his destiny and to forge a happier way of life. He and his wife, Yadi, are two of the elders and leaders of the village and have six children together. Yadi is an expert hammock weaver and he likes to joke that he can’t let her get too far ahead of him! Through this loan, Tadi will be able to distribute his weaving work evenly throughout the year and earn enough to comfortably support his family. This helps him make time for teaching tribal traditions to the younger generation (like hunting and fishing) while building a brighter future for his children.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details