A loan helped to buy more taro tops and suckers, and most importantly fertilizers and pest controls.

Sereima's story

Taro (Colocasia esculenta), known locally as dalo, is an important staple crop of the Fijians. In Fiji, taro is grown either under dry land or wetland culture. In the virgin forest of Vatudavila is where Sereima resides. She is 40 years of age and married with 3 children.

Sereima and her husband run a taro farming business. With the increase in demand for food as a result of population pressure, Sereima seeks a loan to buy more tops and suckers, and most importantly fertilizers and pest controls. Their potential is great and a lot can be produced.

The extra income will help sustain Sereima's family.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

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