A loan helped to purchase more cooking oil and coconut oil for resale.

Mmah's story

Meet 22-year-old Mmah from Waterloo2 branch. She is married with 1 child, and her child is currently attending school.

Mmah runs a retail business and sells cooking oil and coconut oil. She has been in this business for the past 9 years now, and works 10 hours per day and 6 days a week. Her other source of income is from her husband. Mmah says her business is doing fine.

Mmah requested this loan from BRAC to purchase more cooking oil and coconut oil for resale. She says that the extra income from this loan will improve the life of her family and pay her children’s school fees.

In the future, she wants her business to expand into a big shop. She says thanks to BRAC and the Kiva community for their support.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with access to funding in areas where there are limited alternative source of finance.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details