A loan helped a member to hire farmland and laborers to assist in preparing land upon which to grow cassava.

Samoeun Group's story

Samoeun is 26 years old and married. The family lives in Kratie Province of Cambodia. She and her husband operate a farm to support the family. They grow cassava and cashews, typically earning around 17 USD per day.

Samoeun appears here on the right and represents her group, her partner and herself in this request for a 4,000,000 KHR loan through Kiva's field partner, KREDIT. She will use her share of the loan to hire farmland and laborers to assist in preparing land upon which to grow cassava. This loan will add a new source of income that will result in better living standards for her family.

In this group: Samoeun, Naron

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income rural communities with access to finance and training services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details