A loan helped to buy a tuk tuk to reach more customers who could not previously afford clean drinking water.

Ronald Mugabi's story

Ronald is an entrepreneur who believes in empowering communities to solve their problems through business models like Jibu as opposed to handouts. He has 8 years of experience in sales and marketing which has been really essential, mainly in getting new customers. Ronald's aspiration is to change the lives of over a million Africans both directly and indirectly, which is why he set up his Jibu franchise in Kireka.

This loan will allow Ronald to scale up his business and reach more customers through the purchase of a tuk tuk. This will save him from having to build up a capital base from his own profits, which would slow his potential for growth. The loan will be repaid from his profits, with all repayments projected to be made as scheduled.

This loan is special because:

It helps entrepreneurs grow their client base and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details