A loan helped to purchase fertilizers, medicine, pay for some land cultivation activities and buy high-quality forage for their cattle, all of those aimed at improving family’s earnings.

Ofelya's story

Get to know Ofelya, an ambitious farmer from Aygevan village of Armenia. Ofelya is married and lives with her husband and seven-year old son. The family owns a small farm which is the main source of their income. On the farm, she herself with great love and care grows apricots, grapes and watermelons. They also raise hens and cows on their farm. Ofelya’s husband sells all agricultural products in internal and external markets.

To develop their small agro-business under conditions of price fluctuations and severe competition, Ofelya has applied for this financial assistance. With the money provided, she and her husband plan to purchase fertilizers, medicine for the plants, pay for some land cultivation activities and buy high-quality forage for their cattle. They believe that after these enhancements, the productivity of the farm will grow drastically and they will be able to ensure better living for their little son. Ofelya is full of hopes and works hard to achieve all her goals.

This loan is special because:

It provides women farmers with loans in local currency, reducing the risk they take on.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details