A loan helped a member to buy fabrics in bulk.

Kuña Marangatu Group's story

This group is called Kuña Marangatu, and was formed in the city of San Ignacio through the joining of friends and neighbors from the city. They set as a goal to be able to grow not only financially, but also as people through the trainings that Fundación Paraguaya offers.

Maria is the president of the group. She is a dressmaker, and she mentions that despite the daily challenges, she is fighting to get ahead. She is a very entrepreneurial woman that has developed a clientele since the clothing items that she makes are very good.

She is requesting a loan to buy fabrics in bulk, and in this way be able to continue with her business and fulfill her customers' orders. She is thankful for the opportunity to be able to continue with her work, and through it, be able to help her family.

In this group: Maria, Mercedes, Juliana, Eusebia, Leticia, Claudia, Marisol, Andresa, Marlene, Dima, Johana, Ana, Justa, Angelica, Daiana

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer David Urry.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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