A loan helped to acquire crockery for her home based shop.

Zoya's story

Zoya is a woman aged 25 and lives with her 4 children and husband in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Her growing family has been facing challenges of meeting expenses with the very little income from her husband.

The idea of entrepreneurship emerged four years ago when Zoya took initiative to open a small crockery from her home. The idea worked well and she is able to serve many customers on a daily basis.

Currently, Zoya is planning to acquire crockery for her home based shop but lacks money to do so. To solve this problem, she has requested for a loan from JWS Pakistan. This loan will help in purchasing inventory for the business and increase her income in a sustainable manner.

Zoya is thankful to Kiva & JWS Pakistan.

This loan is special because:

It helps women entrepreneurs grow their small businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details