A loan helped a member to buy cattle to be fattened.

Nekaruut B Group's story

Nekaruut B is a group of eight people from Merbaun Village, Kupang District of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Merbaun Village is situated about 42 km from Kupang City, the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara Province. The last 6 km of road used to enter Merbaun Village is in a really bad condition. This is why it takes about two hours to drive from Kupang City to Merbaun.

There are many coconut, banana and betel nut trees growing in Merbaun Village. The local community relies on the agricultural sector to support their families. The challenge for the Merbaun community is the availability of public transport in the village. Such transport is only available twice a week, limiting the opportunities farmers have for going to market to sell their products. Generally, the houses in this area are constructed simply and have no electricity supply. Even though electricity is available in this area, the community cannot afford it as the installation cost is quite expensive.

Nekaruut B group is led by a 33-year-old farmer, Ferdinan P.. He is married and blessed with two children: Marthen P., 9, in the third grade of elementary school, and Iwan P., 7, in the first grade of elementary school. Like many other farmers, Ferdinan relies on farming to generate money to meet his family's needs. He usually sells coconuts and bananas from his own farm at the market. Sometimes the coconuts and bananas that Ferdinan brings to the market do not all sell, and he has to bring them back to the village and sell them at a cheaper price. This is the only way for him to make money as he doesn’t have any other business. For two years Ferdinan fattened cattle owned by an entrepreneur from Kupang, but he felt that the fee was insufficient to meet his family's needs. He really wants to better provide for his family but his lack of capital is the main issue.

The situation that Ferdinan faces motivated him to join the TLM cattle-fattening program. The hope for a better future and his experience in fattening cattle has given him the self-confidence to join the program. Ferdinan is requesting a loan of 3,400,000 IDR from Kiva partner TLM to buy young cattle to fatten in 12 months. He hopes that this loan will help him better meet his family's needs. The other group members are also requesting loans to buy young cattle. They hope their loans lead them to a better life.

In this group: Ferdinan, Efi, Rosa, Margarita, Oktoviana, Damaris, Asnat, Margarita

Loan details

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Loan details