A loan helped to expand agriculture business by purchasing more seeds and equipments.

Palaniyammal's story

Palaniyammal is a 38-years-old married woman hailing from the district of Salem in Tamil Nadu. She has a household size of 4 and a monthly household income of INR 15,000. She is involved in an agriculture business where she produces paddy in her field and sells it. So, she has applied for a loan amount of INR. 20,000 from one of Milaap's field partner GMF. This loan amount will enable her to purchase paddy seeds in bulk along with equipment such as water pumps and the necessary tools required to enhance the productivity. She is indebted all the lenders who would provide her financial assistance.

This loan is special because:

It helps poor women in rural Tamil Nadu to learn a skill and start a business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details