A loan helped to pay his children's school fees and plant new crops.

David's story

David, 37, is a married father of 3 children aged 17, 10 and 5, all of whom are school-going. He is from Nsangi, a village in the district of Wakiso.

Back in 2006, David lost his job with one of the companies where he was working as an office assistant and besides that, destructive storms and heavy winds destroyed a good portion of subsistence agricultural land in the region and subsequently David’s family’s livelihood got shattered.

David is now riding a motorcycle but it has not picked up well yet, because of the many costs he has to meet. Now that the term has started, he has now approached Ugafode for a loan of UGX 1,000,000 to pay school fees for his children and support planting new crops.

Not only will the loan stabilize his financial situation, but will increase his profits and enable him reinvest in new modern ways to increase his crop yield.

He would like funders to offer more products.

This loan is special because:

It helps families send their children to school.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details