A loan helped a member to purchase 25 sacks of charcoal with delivery included, to strengthen her business.

Rose's Group's story

Chantal is a customer of Hekima MFI and president of the community group "Safina". 49 years old, she is married and the mother of five children who attend school. She started her charcoal selling business 22 years ago, with funding from her husband, and Hekima has subsequently supported her.
With this loan, she will buy 25 sacks of charcoal including delivery - in order to strengthen her business.
Her current ambition is to create a charcoal depot, and to educate her children in good conditions and feed them well.
Her satisfaction with regard to Hekima and their partners is evident, for caring for the poor.

In this group: Rose, Adela, Victorine, Odette, Tereza, Noella, Jolie, Florence, Nzita, Chantal, Kabesha, Prince, Anifa, Sifa, Pimbi, Antoinette, Rachel, Estha, Yvette, Mapendo, Solange, Marie, Chance, Scolastique, Clemesia, Ernestina

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alistair Assheton.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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