A loan helped assist with his fruit trees.

Gerald's story

Gerald is a young worker and is responsible. He is 34 years old, single, and currently lives with his parents.

He wants to invest in a fruit tree project and he needs to buy the necessary supplies such as agrochemicals, insecticides, and foliar for the proper development of the trees. He already has a market for the sale of his products and has extensive experience in the field and market.

Therefore, he is making a loan application. This is the first loan he has received from FUDECOSUR. He does not register other loans in state banks. FUDECOSUR has given him the loan with greater ease and a much lower interest rate.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gary Coles.

This loan is special because:

It reaches rural borrowers that are considered too risky for traditional banks.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details