A loan helped .

Joanna's story

When I was in high school in Massachusetts, I worked for a Boston-based nonprofit that promoted youth leadership and food access. Bryan grew up north of Baltimore and began working on organic farms while attending college in Southern Maryland. We had both been farming for the better part of a decade when we met in 2015 while working for urban farms in Baltimore City. Then, we fell in love!

We bonded over the transformative power of food we had witnessed in our own work and lives. We decided to start Good Dog Farm in our spare time because we share a conviction that it will take a new type of farmer with a new business model to drive the organic movement forward in the 21st century. As the market for safe, sustainable, locally grown products expands, small farmers need to adapt and to devise new means of reaching a broader customer with more flexible pricing.

We are exploring this new horizon from two sides. First, we use a mostly wholesale model that allows us to devote less time to attending farmers’ markets and more to growing on bigger spaces at a lower price. Then, we have begun using technology to offer a more flexible “a la carte” CSA. This approach lets us reach a broader customer base than traditional CSAs, while letting our customers tap into our wholesale pricing.

This year, we are tripling our growing area to feed more people and build more markets than ever before. If we can do that, we see a bright future for our family, our business, and our community: one where small farms can rejuvenate rural economies while preserving the environment and feeding the most people the safest, healthiest food.

This loan is special because:

It will help the entrepreneur purchase new supplies and dedicate herself to the farm full-time.

Loan details

About Good Dog Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: New Business
Website: gooddogfarmmd.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details