A loan helped to buy additional equipment and products for knitting to increase productivity.

Ghenwa's story

Greetings from a reputable lady named Ghenwa! She is 26 years old, a Lebanese married woman with 2 kids who attend school. She lives with her modest family in an owned apartment located in Mount Lebanon. Her husband is a company driver with a limited income. She established her own business 7 years ago at home in order to help her husband with household expenses. She started working on knitting, a job that she loves, in order to secure a good life for her kids.

After she accentuated that the previous loan improved her life, Ghenwa is asking now for a second loan from IBDAA, a Kiva partner. She requested this loan to purchase additional equipment and products for knitting to increase productivity. She plans to expand her business gradually in the future.

Ghenwa is an ambitious and humble woman full of hope, energy and good manners. She is a loyal wife who has an amazing reputation among customers in the area.

This loan is special because:

It doesn’t require a guarantor, reaching underserved women in Lebanon.

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