A loan helped to pay for the courses, which are a great chance for her to develop and enlarge the stock of her knowledge in her profession, and also cover her trip costs.

Lilit's story

Lilit is greatly thankful for her first Kiva loan and sends her great greetings to all the lenders who supported her.

She is applying now for her second Kiva loan. Lilit lives in Sevan city of Gegharkunik region. She lives with her parents, sister and brother. Her father is a driver. Lilit’s mother is a pedagogue with many years of work experience in this field. Like her mother, Lilit has become a pedagogue. She is a teacher of elementary classes.

She is asking for this loan of 800,000 Armenian drams (AMD) since she has a chance to take part in pedagogical training courses (courses are paid ones) abroad. This loan will help her to pay for the courses and also cover her trip costs. These courses are a great chance for her to develop and enlarge the stock of her knowledge in her profession.

This loan is special because:

It gives students and teachers an opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details