A loan helped a member to pay for a highly efficient cook stove.

Thabana Li 'Mele Group's story

Seboneng is a 30-year-old widow with two children, ages four and eight years old. She lives in a two room house without electricity.

Seboneng's main fuel expense is paraffin, which she uses for lighting, cooking and heating. She also struggles to charge her mobile device as she has to pay, spending around 70 LSL monthly.

When she heard about the ACE1, stove she decided to get one. With this stove, she can light her home with the LED lamp. She will also be able to cook using any available dry fuel without smoke, as the stove has a built-in fan. Moreover, she will also be able to charge her mobile phone on the stove.

Seboneng and other people in the group have kindly requested a loan from Kiva lenders to pay for the stove.

Visit www.africancleanenergy.com or @AfricanCleanEnergy.com on Facebook to know more about the stove.

In this group: Seboneng, Khotso, 'Mamotloang

This loan is special because:

It provides communities with energy saving cookstoves that also reduce pollution.

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