A loan helped .

Travis's story

I grew up moving around a lot due to my dad's job. My real “home” was always my Grandparents' farm in rural Oklahoma. Many of my summers as a kid (and even as an adult) were spent with my Grandmother and Grandad. They taught me the value of being a do-it-yourselfer and now I'd always rather make it, fix it, or break it myself than pay someone else to do it.

Though I was never truly a “farm kid” I loved the idea of being a farmer and dreamed of having chickens and growing things on my own someday. My Grandad used to tell me stories about early days on the farm during the Depression when life was pretty tough. He would talk about coming up with solutions to everyday problems which were straightforward, matter-of-fact and often pretty brilliant.

He was my inspiration and his name was Floyd. If Grandad was alive today he'd appreciate a store like Floyd's Farm & Home. "Do what you can with what you've got, and come to Floyd's for the rest."

On my own, I've learned how to garden and dabbled in other urban homesteading projects – primarily raising chickens. Through my efforts to be more self-reliant at home, I found a lack of local resources which led to my idea of opening a small, general farm and supply store. While I have been gradually moving the business forward (and in order to retain my current job) I have marketed very little and maintained a streamlined approach.

I have seen great interest and decent sales, but the lack of a home-base has hindered my ability to grow and develop for the long-run.

This loan is special because:

It helps a chicken farmer to buy new equipment and expand his business operations

Loan details

About Floyd's Farm & Home

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: New Business
Website: floydsfarmandhome.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details