A loan helped .

Jamilah's story

I grew up in Kansas City, KS with a very loving and supportive family. The first time I can recollect any real negative feelings about myself was in middle school. Some of the other kids began to tease me about my dark complexion. It began to negatively impact how I felt about myself. I was able to regain my confidence through my artwork. Seeing creative talent in me at a young age, my parents kept me in art programs and encouraged my artistic exploration. Over time, I began to learn that nothing anyone else said could define me and I grew to love myself and stand as the confident, self-loving woman I am today. Out of that experience grew a passion to help other young women and girls with similar struggles see the beauty in themselves. Not just beauty in a physical sense, but the beauty inside, the gift they have to share with the world. I want these women to know that their dreams are valid and possible. These women inspire my artwork and give me the motivation to keep going. In my case, I moved from Kansas City, KS to New York for college with no family or friends but a very supportive Kansas City home base and I’m still currently living in New York, a decade later, working towards my dream every day as a full-time entrepreneur. I have always had an entrepreneur’s spirit. As a pre-teen, I would sell fashion drawings and comics for 25 cents to my classmates and now I’m selling my drawings on T-shirts as a career, full circle. My goal is to use my brand and platform to help other women find ways to love themselves more and follow their dreams through my uplifting product offerings, motivational speaking and mentoring.

This loan is special because:

It helps the entrepreneur expand her clothing line aimed at promoting women's empowerment

Loan details

About Fly by Knight

Industry: Clothing
Years in operation: New Business
Website: shopflybyknight.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details