A loan helped a member to buy knitting wool.

Namanyazi Group's story

Elufe is 47 years old. She is married with 4 children. Her husband works as a mechanic.

Elufe runs a knitting business. She needs money to buy more knitting wool. The profit from the business will enable her to pay for school fees for her children and other household bills.

Elufe hopes to buy a motorbike and uses it as taxi for extra income in the future.

In this group: Christina, Esnart, Pilirani, Elufe, Cathreen, Mwandida, Grace, Noriah, Mwandida, Monica, Eliza, Rosery, Mphatso, Beatrice, Grace, Fatima, Esther, Alepha, Meria

This loan is special because:

It enables women living below the poverty line to start businesses.

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Lenders and lending teams

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