A loan helped a member to buy shoes and undergarments to sell.

Penda's Group's story

This "banc villageois", established in May 2010, is on its 15th loan. These eight women live in the same district and are members of this "banc villageois". They are mostly involved in small sales businesses. Martine, a member of this group, is a 32-year-old married woman and the mother of one girl. She has been building a business selling women's shoes and undergarments for more than five years.

Martine goes to Guinea to buy her supplies and resells in her town. She plans to use this loan to buy 300 pairs of shoes, 80 bras and 80 lingerie items. She will use the income from her sales to pay for her daughter's school fees, her healthcare expenses and to help pay for food.

In this group: Penda, Sounkar , Fatou , Bnitou, Martine , Sira , Marie Awa, Mariama

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Mary Lou Bradley.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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