A loan helped to buy additional stocks for her sari-sari store.

Marivic's story

Marivic, 44, is married and has two children. Her husband works as a casual laborer in construction, but earns just enough for hand-to-mouth needs.

Marivic was striving hard to earn a living without a stable job. The education of her three children and the day-to-day expenses were challenging, so she decided to open a store selling basic commodities. They were thankful that they joined Paglaum MPC. With very little capital, they were able to start their sari-sari (general store) business.

Their daily sales go the extra mile for the family's needs. They have also been able to save with their extra income. Marivic applied to Paglaum MPC for a loan of PHP 50,000 to buy additional stocks for the store.

They say they were attracted to Paglaum MPC for its savings and insurance services. They want to gradually expand their little store and taste a good life someday.

This loan is special because:

It allows borrowers in underserved regions to access capital.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details