A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer.

Mujeres Kotzij Group's story

Tomasa is a single 23-year-old woman with a first grade education. She is a member of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank, “Mujeres Kotzij”, in the department of Chimaltenango. She is a farmer and works with her family growing and selling potatoes in nearby markets.

A facilitator from Friendship Bridge uses pictures, games, diagrams, and role playing to share information with the Trust Bank members about business, health, women, and family. While attending the monthly meetings, Tomasa has gained a great deal of knowledge about how to manage the business, take care of her family, and take care of herself. She is now requesting a loan to buy seeds and fertilizer.

The “Mujeres Kotzij” are made up of 9 Maya K’iche ladies who have flower and potato businesses, and fabricate traditional handicrafts and textiles. They are beginning their second loan cycle with Kiva. Because they have little or no formal education, they appreciate being able to participate in their monthly educational trainings and to receive capital from Kiva investors.

The ladies send their gratitude and thanks to Kiva investors from all parts of the world who believe that these women can eliminate poverty and create more prosperous and successful futures. Thanks to each of you!

In this group: Maria, Anastacia, Elena, Lidia, Anastacia, Tomasa, Berta Julia , Regina , Mercedes

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details