A loan helped to purchase products such as meat, sausages, refreshing drinks, detergent, and many more products to strengthen and diversify her store’s inventory.

Sugey Del Carmen's story

Sugey lives with her family-her husband and two adult children. She is married, and doesn’t have any dependents or relatives abroad.

Years ago, motivated by her spirit to succeed and need to obtain better income for her family, she started her business reselling bread, and she also has a general store. She travels to the cities closest to her residence to sell the bread. Her store is located in her home, and her daughter sometimes helps her manage her store.

She will invest the loan in the purchase of products such as meat, sausages, refreshing drinks, detergent, and many more products to strengthen and diversify her store’s inventory. This will help her maintain continuity in her business and meet customer demand.

She hopes to improve her quality of life and that of her family by generating better income from her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eleanor Francoletti-Putz.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in El Salvador.

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