A loan helped a member to buy piglets.

Noong Luong 109 Group's story

Pieng, 52, is a Thai-ethnic lady who is married and lives with her husband, a couple of her adult sons, her adopted son and her granddaughter in a mountainous area in northwest Vietnam. Like other villagers, her family earns most of its income from growing rice and raising pigs, fish, chicken and buffalo. Her family's main hardship is lack of capital to invest in their farm.

In order to expand her pig farming and increase its productivity, she has taken a loan from the Anh Chi Em program to buy piglets. With the support of the Anh Chi Em program and the help of her children, she hopes that this investment will bring a great profit for her family. She dreams that her family will have abundant life and always be filled with warmth and happiness. In the picture, she stands on the right.

In this group: Pieng, Thieng, Binh, La

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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