A loan helped a member buy a variety of undergarments, as well as various kinds of fabric.

Artesanas Group's story

The breathtaking Lake Atitlan, located in the department/state of Solola, was formed by a massive eruption that blew the lid off of the top of a super volcanic mountain. Over time, 3 volcanoes were born around the edge & they still stand guard around the Lake. The Maya Tz'utujil people who live here consider the Lake to be the birthplace of creation!
The Friendship Bridge Trust Bank “Artesanas” was formed here by 7 determined ladies who are excited to begin their 1st loan cycle with KIVA. The President of the group is Maria who is 34 years old, married, & has 2 children (9,13). Both of the children attend school. Maria has 8 years of formal education. She sells blouses & undergarments for women. She is requesting a loan to buy a variety of undergarments, as well as various kinds of fabric. The loan will help her meet the end of the year demand of her customers. Her goals are to enlarge the business & educate her children.
The women meet monthly to make payments on their loans & to participate in educational trainings, part of the “Microcredit Plus” program (loans, education, healthcare) of Friendship Bridge. This effective combination is quite useful to the women & they benefit greatly from acquiring basic business tools & learning about everyday topics like health, hygiene, nutrition & the use of medicinal plants.
Maria, along with the ladies in the group, sends gratitude to KIVA investors for giving them hope for a better future. Blessings to you all!

In this group: Socorro , Maria Micaela , Angelica Gabriela , Maria Elena , Maria Celestina , Marta Elena , Maria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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