A loan helped a member to buy seedlings and hire workers to help her on her field.

Kyar Poet-3-C Village Group's story

The woman standing second from the left in the photo is 25-year-old Moe. She is a farmer who helps her family grow onions and rice in their field. She is unmarried and lives with two family members.

Moe is requesting this Kiva loan to buy seedlings and to hire workers who will help her grow these seeds into marketable crops.

With Moe in the picture are: Chaw, Zin, Aye, Aye Sint, and Khin. They are all farmers from Kyar Poet Village in Myingyan Township, located in the dry zone of Myanmar.

In this group: Chaw , Moe , Zin, Aye, Aye Sint, Khin

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details