A loan helped to improve her workstation and invest in more yarn to grow her hammock-making business.

Mai's story

Mai’s family has continued to grow over the past year! She and her husband recently had another baby and they are excited about the positive changes in their lives. After Mai’s previous Kiva loan, they increased their earnings from hammock weaving and improved their financial knowledge through the Kiva program. They saved up and were able to purchase a motorcycle! They repaid their last loan in full before the baby arrived and now busy mom Mai feels like it is more important than ever to be able to depend on a stable monthly weaving income.

This year, she is taking on a larger loan in order to help them leap ahead financially and provide for their larger family. She wants this new loan to increase her production capacity in order to be able to maximize her income potential.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details