A loan helped a member to buy wholesale rice, noodles and oil.

Felicidad Group's story

The communal bank Felicidad will begin its tenth cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Villa Copacabana regional centre. The group has eight members and is led by a board of directors of which Etelvina is the president.

The loan applied for will benefit the group of microentrepreneurs to which Etelvina belongs. She currently runs a food sales business and says that she set up the business several years ago on her own initiative.

The loan she is applying for will be used to buy wholesale rice, noodles and oil from wholesalers in La Paz. She will then prepare and sell her food.

As a single mother with one son, Etelvina’s work allows her to earn a living and support her family financially.

In this group: Etelvina, Rofina, Sonia, Luisa , Jaqueline Angela, Reyna, Olaida, Paulina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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