A loan helped a member to purchase medications to stock her pharmacy.

Las Palmeras Group's story

The group called Las Palmeras has been working together for several cycles. They all work and help each other to get ahead. They focus their goal on growth, not only economically, but also as people. They have been doing a survey for the elimination of poverty, which allows them to know the life situation of each one and to fight to get ahead accordingly.

Lilian is one of the members of this group. She states that she has a pharmacy with all types of medications that she offers to her customers. She began with very little, but she has been growing in search of a better quality of life for her family. She decided to join the committee because she saw it as an opportunity to grow and get ahead.

She is requesting this loan to purchase assorted medications, and in that way, stock her business and continue providing a variety to her customers.

In this group: Lilian, María, Perla, María, Wilma, Fátima, Cristina, Liz, Mirian, Rosa, Rosa, Lilian, Mabel, Emilia, Suni

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rebecca Gleason.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry-leading, poverty-elimination program.

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Lenders and lending teams

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