A loan helped a member to buy quality fertilizer to increase her crop yield.

Thit Yon-3-B Village Group B's story

The featured borrower of this group is 30-year-old Mar, third from the right, who is a notoriously energetic and hard-working farmer. She is happily married with three young children and together with her husband work hard to give their children the best they can.

"Using my portion of the loan, I will buy good quality fertilizer for my crops so that I can increase the crop yield,” says Mar.

The members of the group are: Sae, Mar, Tu, Pa, Than, and Paw. They live in Myingyan Township in the central dry zone of Myanmar. There are around 600 households in the village.

In this group: Sae , Mar , Tu, Pa , Than , Paw

This loan is special because:

It supports economic growth for an entire village.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details