This loan product is designed to help entrepreneurs set up new businesses in Bolivia. To make this possible, Cidre is collaborating with organizations like the Fautapo Foundation to provide training, development of business and growth models, and identify needs for working capital to these entrepreneurs. Kiva and Cidre are working together to offer larger loans with grace periods to help these entrepreneurs successfully start up new businesses.
About CIDRE:
Bolivia is experiencing a political crisis. Protests have results in the loss of life and greatly impacted the economy of the country. Kiva is committed to supporting our field partners and borrowers during this difficult time. However, should you choose to lend to a borrower in Bolivia, please be aware that the political unrest poses extra risk for both borrowers and Kiva Field Partners. Delinquency rates in Bolivia could increase while the crisis in ongoing.
CIDRE is a Bolivian microfinance institution with a strong social commitment to the community. It works to provide quality financial services to rural and peri-urban borrowers, focusing primarily on agricultural loans for dairy farmers and micro-enterprises. CIDRE targets segments of the population that have not traditionally had access to credit, and invests in much-needed community development projects. It is currently working with coca farmers in the Chapare region to replace coca with less controversial crops. Get more involved by joining the Friends of CIDRE lending team.