A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies and organic fertilisers in order to increase production and earn more for her family.

Elizabeth's story

Elizabeth lives and works in Colomi, she is economically independent, hard-working, responsible and enterprisng, capeable of managing her finances. She is in a common-law marriage, and has 1 young daughter who she has to look after via her work.

She has earned a living from agriculture since a young age, and has a lot of experience and antiquity in the trade: sewing potato and broad beans her main products, as they are in great demand at market. The land where she grows was inherited from her parents, it is about 1 hectare in the Chullpani-Paracaya community. She grows potatoes and broad beans with a crop rotation to allow the soil to recover. Elizabeth needs the loan to buy agricultural supplies: 2 lorries of organic fertiliser (hen droppings) and 15 loads of seed. She needs these supplies as it is near harvesting season. For this reason, she came to ask for a loan, to adapt to her needs and this will be of great help.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It aims to grow small farms and businesses in the Bolivian highlands.

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