A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and pesticide.

Mrs. Phy Hong Village Bank Group's story

Fourteen people, who are located in Ampil village in Kandal province, make up this village bank loA. and all the members will use the loA. for different purposes. Mrs. Phy H. is the village bank president who has been selected by the members.

Mrs. Phy H. is a farmer who owns a small piece of land on which she cultivates rice to earn a living. In this plantation, she faces a small problem because her field has infertile soil which is bad enough to affect the crop. So she decided to ask for a loA. to buy fertilizers and pesticide to support the field to make her crop more productive.

Mrs. Phy H.’s husband, Mr. Kheng A., is a pig breeder who is able to make a small income to support the family. Mrs. Phy H. is 51 years old and the mother of three children who are all attending the local school.

Two members in this group loA. have end-of-term (EoT) loans and the rest have monthly payment loans. Those with EoT loans are not required to pay any principal on the loA. until the very end of the loA. term. EoT loans are AMK’s main product because they are the most beneficial to Cambodia’s poor. EoT loans allow them to repay portions of the principal whenever they are financially able to. Most clients start to make their payments many months before the end of the loA. term. Almost all of AMK’s clients make their payments on time. AMK has a delinquency rate of only 0.09% and a default rate of 0% on Kiva.

In this group: Phy, Lai, Em, Ton, Im, Chanthy, Mary, Ourn, Long, Nget, Somaly, Sokhom, Chanthol, Pha

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