A loan helped to buy goats to sell in rural markets.

Mapkl (Mete Ansanm Pou Kwape Lamize)'s story

Like all successfull Zafen borrowers, Jonas' group has repaid its first loan. After a cycle of nine months, the average revenue per person is 137 USD. Personally, Jonas has been able to support at least 10 children to primary school with his activity.

He now hopes to find a new loan to allow 34 people to grow their productive assets by purchasing goats to sell. The committee board remains unchanged. Portrayed from right to left: Mouthy (secretary), Jonas (President), Sagine (Treasurer), Wislande (deputy secretary) and Enitha who is wearing a yellow blouse (animator).

This loan is special because:

It provides village associations with access to credit.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details