A loan helped a member to purchase dye and thread, which she will use to weave traditional cloth.

Dieudonné Group's story

Akihoudaga is 48 years old, married and mother to five children. She is a brave, respectful and kind woman, who has extensive experience running a business efficiently. For 20 years, she has earned a living weaving and selling pagnes, a traditional colourful cloth. She works from her home weaving the pagnes in a nice variety of patterns and colours, and resells her products to wholesalers.

Akihoudaga will use the funds from this loan to buy dye and thread for making pagnes. The profits from her sales will allow her to add to her savings, to take care of her family, and also to reinvest in her business. This is her second loan from microlender ACFIME, and all repayments have been made without incident.

In this group: Akihoudaga, Rasmata, Marie Noelle, Rasmata, Fatoumata, Aminata, Damata

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in an underserved area to grow their businesses.

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