A loan helped a member to buy rice from a local producer in Makeni, supporting local farmers, while scaling up each member's trading business.

Mary's Sisterhood Group's story

Mary's Sisterhood leader Mary S (fourth from right) would like to sincerely thank all the Kiva lenders for their first loan. It enabled them to break free from the local lenders, who were charging them nearly 100% interest, and as a result all group members have fully recovered their businesses, have repaid their first loan, and are successfully trading again after the devastation of Ebola.

The group is now seeking a second loan to expand. There has been huge demand for the locally grown rice the group is selling, and a second Kiva loan will enable Mary's Sisterhood members to greatly increase their stock and distribution capabilities.

The profits will be used to ensure all member's children go to school, and will also be used by the group to create a support fund for young female trader trainees.

In this group: Mary, Aminata, Aminata, Safiatu, Mariatu, Musu, Wara, Adamse, Fatmata, Adamse, Adama

This loan is special because:

It provides new business opportunity for low-income individuals to improve their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details